Born in the 90s, it is from the age of thirteen, that, I began to document the daily life of my close friends. At an age when we hide behind masks, I hid behind my camera, as if to play the role of the band photographer. When my friends were doing their teenage business, I turned away my boredom by photographing them. In the spirit of a photographic album, triggering became an automatism, almost candidly, in order to preserve a memory. Years after years, immersed in the band, I never stopped photographing them, sharing moments of intimacy and complicity - from school to university, on vacation or on work, during partys or with their parents... I always went out with my camera. And if I did not have it, some frustration itched and my friends felt it. On the other hand, the presence of the camera did not disturb them more than that. Over the years, my friends have never really had a look at all the images I've captured - sometimes without their knowledge. It was more than ten years later that I finally began to look into it and search through my archives for those moments that we all ultimately thought « forgotten ». But in recent years with the democratization of photography via mobile phones and other new technologies, many of my friends are photographing in turn the "new" memories of our holidays or our evenings and at the same time they photograph me and also contribute to this collective memory.
This work traces the youth of my friends but also mine, this project has a documentary vison on the daily life of a Parisian youth living in Paris and a personal view on friendship, love, carelessness of age, until the taking of responsibilities and the physical changes of the transition to the "adult" age. Today we have each of us over 30 years old and are still friends. Benjamin works in computer service, Louis works in an urban agriculture association in Montreal, Aurélien and Juliette are teachers, Jérémie is an muscians, Sylvain works in Congo as humanitarian in ONG , Florian works in communication , Elsa works as a social, Mael married and just had recently a baby… The future is still uncertain, but we are moving step by step and surely towards what you belive.
Pictures taken between 2003 and 2022.